Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

Minnesota just passed a conceal and carry law that will allow employees with a gun permit to have guns in their cars and in the parking lots at work. We are in the process of getting in compliance with this law and wonder if anyone has a policy regarding preventing workplace violence that we can incorporate the conceal and carry requirements into??? I appreciate your help. Fax number is 952-942-7686...e-mail is [email][/email]
I have a workplace violence policy, but you'd have to rework the section on wephons, as it currently prohibits any on the premises. If you want it, e-mail me and I'll send it to you.
Margaret Morford
Believe me once in the past I have had a NRA member tell me all about the right to bear arms, and I told him, I agree, except on our property.
It was not a good situation, the only weapons that need to be at work should be carried by HR only!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
I'll quote several parts of the article ... by the way, taken from Rider Bennett's Legal Alert: "Generally speaking, individuals may now carry concealed handguns while at work, while purchasing goods or services, in public, in their automobiles, and in parking lots...All employers appear to have the right to bar employees from carrying concealed handguns while they are acting in the course and scope of their employment. Private busiensses may also prohibit the otherwise lawful carrying of concealed handguns onto their premises by third-party entrants such as vendors and customers. To do so, businesses must post signs at all entrances and give oral warnings before violators can be ordered to leave..." "FAQ: Q.As a private business, may I bar handguns from my private parking lot? A. No-the lawful opssession of handguns is allowed in all parking lots and parking facilities. Q.My facility has 17 entrances, how many notices must I post? A. 17-one at every entrance."
There are a few other interesting question-answers, and some advice for MN employers with respect to determining how they are going to address this new law. Perhaps Rider Bennett has this on their website ([url][/url]) or perhaps you could call and request to be put on their subscription list for similar alerts (612-340-8900).