Reputation Check

What do you do when a temporary employee trashes your name and reputation to other regular employees in the company?
I told a temp a few weeks ago that I was considering him for the position he was working. Since that time, I discovered that person was not doing all the job that needed done. I began interviewing others in the company for his job position because we are closing 2 of our depts. and 7 - 9 people have to be placed in other positions within the company (we don't do layoffs). I have an obligation to THOSE employees already on the payroll to help them find jobs within the company first. If none of them qualified I was going to make a decision whether or not to keep the temp. cut my losses and go outside the company.
This person has went over my head to my manager to complain about me because I began interviewing others. He's also talked to many others in the company to complain about me and I'm very upset. Even though I was considering not hiring the temp, one of our other depts. was interested in him and I was trying to get that all worked out so he would have a permanent job with the company. That was the reason I held off talking to him before I did. And guess what, it turned out the other dept. really wants this person full time. I knew they would.
So... what can I do to initiate damage control. It's all around the company now that I did this person wrong, when in fact I was trying to do a good thing.
Any suggestions?
I told a temp a few weeks ago that I was considering him for the position he was working. Since that time, I discovered that person was not doing all the job that needed done. I began interviewing others in the company for his job position because we are closing 2 of our depts. and 7 - 9 people have to be placed in other positions within the company (we don't do layoffs). I have an obligation to THOSE employees already on the payroll to help them find jobs within the company first. If none of them qualified I was going to make a decision whether or not to keep the temp. cut my losses and go outside the company.
This person has went over my head to my manager to complain about me because I began interviewing others. He's also talked to many others in the company to complain about me and I'm very upset. Even though I was considering not hiring the temp, one of our other depts. was interested in him and I was trying to get that all worked out so he would have a permanent job with the company. That was the reason I held off talking to him before I did. And guess what, it turned out the other dept. really wants this person full time. I knew they would.
So... what can I do to initiate damage control. It's all around the company now that I did this person wrong, when in fact I was trying to do a good thing.
Any suggestions?
If this individual reports into a department that you manage, I would have a chat with them to get this out in the open - "I understand that you may not be happy with decisions that I have made recently......In the future, I would appreciate it if you would discuss your concerns with me first. What would you do if the tables were turned - i.e. I disagree with a decision or course of action that you have taken and my response is to address it with your boss before talking to you about it?"
If you feel the need to explain yourself, I would only do so to my manager and let it go at that. Given the cirumstances, I cannot see why you would not have the full support of your manager.
I have often found that people who are very technically gifted and have years of experience who are working temporary are often doing this for a reason. Most of the times it is because they have interpersonal problems, attitude problems, personality defects, etc. as you have described above. This is not always the case, but I have come across some real lulus in the temp world and am very happy when I can call their agency to retrieve them.
Good luck!
I have 2 good candidates for that position and will be making a hiring decision within the next day or so. Once done, the temp agency will be contacted and temp's assignment will end immediately.
Sometimes people just don't think. What did he think he would gain by going to my manager instead of posing his questions/concerns directly to me? This person has been here for 3 1/2 months and it's the little things (beside complaining to my manager)that raised the red flag. I must admit one thing to you guys, I am short staffed and have put up with more than I should have with this person. Shame on me. I have forewarned the other manager who's considering him for employment. While I think this person will do a decent job in that other dept., I don't want that type of person on our employee roster based on his past behavior, attitude, and vindictive nature.
Employees, especially in healthcare, know they are in demand and will often push the envelope and/or threaten to "walk" if they don't get what they want. It's always refreshing to be able to say "Well, you need to do what you have to do." Most of the time they back down because they don't want to go from working at our daytime hours only practice to working third shift at the hospital.