Am I being Paranoid? Who's There???

I have an employee who is emailing documents, that I and others are sending to her and another employees via emails, to her own personal computer and also to an unknown recipient. We have a policy regarding company confidentiality and computer equipment. How can I stop this or what can I do?
Then her supervisor should speak with her, along with someone from the IT department, and tell her what you know. Give her a chance to explain. If there is no reasonable explanation (and I can't think of any reason for emailing company documents to a personal account, or anyone outside of the company), then you go forward with your plan of action. This can be discipline up to and including termination, if your discipline plan allows for that.
In any case, she should be aware that her emails can and will be monitored, then continue to do so.
Lastly, no I do not think you are being paraniod, just concerned about your company.
Beckie Caskey
Quest Media and Supplies
>with e-mail, Internet, etc.? In addition if your policy states that
>the e-mail is for business use only, then you should discipline the
>employee per your policy. Also after reading your question I wondered
>if the employee was sending confidential or propriety information. If
>so I would again go back to your policies and act accordingly.
>Lastly, no I do not think you are being paraniod, just concerned about
>your company.
>Beckie Caskey
>Quest Media and Supplies
Our policy states that "Employees are directed that they are not to use the computers for personal business, that all electronic media stored, even temporarily, on such computers remains the property of our company."
James Sokolowski