HELP I've got 45 min to get info

Management wants to get rid of someone tomorrow. They want to call it a layoff so that he can vcollect unemployment but they are going to rehire a replacement right away. I've always thought that if we call it a layoff we can't replace the exact same job. Can we layoff for job performance (cause thatis what it is)
Or does it matter and get him unemployment by not appealing.
Any pitfalls here ?
I am in MA
Or does it matter and get him unemployment by not appealing.
Any pitfalls here ?
I am in MA
We don't have any written disciplinary documentation, Just that the numbers have been down in his department since he got there.
As for the quickness, thats how my management does things. A typical situation that they have probably been mulling over, all the while grouching and complaining but never telling (HR) anyone and not doing anything about it until the big cheese comes along and says the guy has to go RIGHT NOW!
thanks to your quick advice I managed to convince him to call it what it is and term for Job Performance.
Then I spent another twenty minutes convincing them they had to have their final paycheck in hand when they do the deed. I'm pretty sure it's MA law but at any rate it is in our policies.
I have to tell them this EVERY SINGLE time this has happened for going on three years now. AAARGH
Incidentally, aside from the claims process, we are all barraged by forms and surveys from the Employment Security network (or whatever your state calls it). And, we are required by law to respond to VERY, VERY FEW of those. Typically the required ones relate to quarterly wages and the like. Unless the form states that your response is required by law, and the section and law are cited, don't feel obligated to do so. I know, I know....that's the way they get their labor market information. A general survey instrument on an annual basis is one thing, but they also have staff sitting in towers creating and shuffling all sorts of survey and data collection instruments that produce very little, if any, tangible results, other than their job retention. Draw the line wherever you want it to be. Before you stone me, don't forget I worked in that system for 25 years. x:-)