Employer Liability and SARS

I was hoping that someone could help me out with this question. What employer liability is involved when it comes to SARS? Other than banning travel, what other steps should be taken to protect our employees?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
If you would like a copy of my FAQ's, send me an e-mail. I be glad to forward an attachment.
(as of 4/25/03)
Can I get a copy too of the FAQs? Thanks. My e-mail address is [email]gdubsky@altamar.com[/email]. Thanks.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has some information for travelers and for the workplace: [url]http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/sars/[/url]
James Sokolowski
Thank you very much for the information. It was very helpful!
James Sokolowski
I actually do suscribe..........I have not read it yet but was very happy to see it in my email box. Thank you for letting my know though.