Employee not wanting to travel

I have an employee who refuses to travel by plane to long distance seminars. She is willing to drive to seminars that are 200-300 miles away but some seminars are too far to reasonably drive. The seminars are related to her job duties but she insists that she will not go. These seminars are offered once a year and we have to go where ever they are held. Do I have any recourse?
Travel was not a consideration for her hire. In the past all the pertinent seminars were within 200 miles. She has willingly attended these. But now the agency sponsoring the seminars is having them further away from our location.
What you might consider is paying the lesser of the cost of a plane ticket or automobile travel and if the auto travel is more expensive and takes longer, let her/him handle the additional cost/time on their own.
While I do not usually disagree with you (and must say that I have learned alot from your posts) I must respectfully disagree. As an experienced training and development coordinator I have often found the some people do very well with professionally prepared video or cd rom materials. Live presentations do not alway guarantee meaningful learning experiences (as demonstrated by a class I attended last night, presenter was clearly unprepared and had several errors in the materials presented). The stress of a phobia would potentially have a huge impact on this individuals ability to meaningfully participate in the seminar.
Now having said that if this individual just doesn't want to go that's another matter and should be dealt with as a performance issue.
There's something wrong when the people who should be making decisions can't and don't and the people who shouldn't be making decisions can and do.
BTW, I understand the Dixie Chicks are giving an interview to apologize about there statement. My feeling is that there is a line between using and abusing a privilege. How many times have you sat still at a green light because a pedestrian casually strolls across the street assuming that because he/she has the right of way they have the right to hold up traffic. Oops. Sorry. Wrong forum.