We Hired a new General Manager last July and since then these have been the changes.
Out of a team 7 we had only two female Senior Mgrs. One was laid off for budgetary reasons. They moved me into her position ( I am female)but I stayed non-exempt. My official title is HR Representative.
Since then they have hired 8 white male department mgrs. We have 2 female dept. mgr. who were here when the GM came. He did hire one African American male as a mgr.
Out of 17 senior Managent and department management we have:
6 white male snr. mgrs.
1 white female snr mgr
1 white female dept. mgr
1 hispanic female dept mgr.
7 white male dept mgrs.
1 A.A. male
The females are beginning to grumble about how white and masculine the place is looking. I have felt that I wasn't being taken seriously by management in the past but I thought that they just did'nt realise the value of HR, but now some of the other females are coming to me with this complaint.
Should I be worried
Out of a team 7 we had only two female Senior Mgrs. One was laid off for budgetary reasons. They moved me into her position ( I am female)but I stayed non-exempt. My official title is HR Representative.
Since then they have hired 8 white male department mgrs. We have 2 female dept. mgr. who were here when the GM came. He did hire one African American male as a mgr.
Out of 17 senior Managent and department management we have:
6 white male snr. mgrs.
1 white female snr mgr
1 white female dept. mgr
1 hispanic female dept mgr.
7 white male dept mgrs.
1 A.A. male
The females are beginning to grumble about how white and masculine the place is looking. I have felt that I wasn't being taken seriously by management in the past but I thought that they just did'nt realise the value of HR, but now some of the other females are coming to me with this complaint.
Should I be worried
If you are concerned about a possible complaint being filed (and you are the one held to the task of dealing with such issues) is to either have a one on one meeting with each female or have a group meeting. Explain that you have been hearing comments around the office and would like to know about any problems they are having, no matter how insignificant. Tell them that the discussion is confidential, no comments made are to leave the room and that you are only concerned about making it a more pleasant environment for all employees to work in. What the hell, take them all out to a fancy lunch (a la company checkbook) for a more relaxed environment where they may feel more comfortable about clearing the air. Look at the $100.00 bill as preventive maintanance. Then you need to take that information and use it. Even out whatever unbalance there may be. If it simply a matter of there being more men than women, you should explain that they are the most qualified for the positions. When the EEOC comes knocking you can say you made an honest effort to even the playing field and fix any discrimination that may be occuring. A little bit of effort goes a long way.