English to Spanish dictionary for HR & Benefits

Can anyone please tell me if there is a good resource out there for translating English into Spanish? We have a Spanish-speaking employee who does most of our translations, however, there are some hr and benefits terms she is not sure of how to translate. Does anyone know of a hr/benefits dictionary or website that would help solve this problem?
It will translate phrases in many different language combinations.
There are also several web sites where translators can post terminology questions and get answers from other translators. Two of them are:
These are for all languages. A bit of hunting should turn up some that are just for Spanish translation, if it's necessary. These forums are great because you don't have to buy an expensive dictionary to get a few terms. The other translators usually answer very quickly.
AltaVista's Babblefish is a good translation tool if all you need to know is the contents of a document. However, machine translation is still in its infancy. The translations are not always accurate. I still have vivid memories of a Japanese patent on electroplating that was "translated" with Bablefish. We never could figure out what the cuttlefish was doing in there or how it survived the electroplating bath. I would not recommend Babblefish for anything that you are going to hand out to employees or have printed, unless you have it proofread by a native speaker of the language first.
Margaret Morford