An employee was picked up at lunch (away from premises)by the city police and is in jail for outstanding tickets. If she can't pay, she stays..however many days it takes to clear the amount she owes.
We've had a variety of different problems with this employee, but she manages to get herself straight just in time to avoid termination.
We don't have any policies about being in jail and it being an "unexcused" absence- she has no vacation time. Do we have some termination options here - or does this just have to be absences accruing toward discipline?
(This is an office environment.)
We've had a variety of different problems with this employee, but she manages to get herself straight just in time to avoid termination.
We don't have any policies about being in jail and it being an "unexcused" absence- she has no vacation time. Do we have some termination options here - or does this just have to be absences accruing toward discipline?
(This is an office environment.)
No reason to treat her any different than anyone else.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
May you and every one else on this net continue to have a Blessed day in Freedom! This is America and even the arrested have a few rights. Pork