Social Security Numbers and Privacy

Is there current legislation or pending legislation regarding the use of social security numbers in employment matters for Texas or other states?
We have employees that we place on temporary assignments with clients and one client has requested that we provide a list of information on employees we place with them including social security numbers. I'm not sure that we should be releasing this information but am unsure.
We have employees that we place on temporary assignments with clients and one client has requested that we provide a list of information on employees we place with them including social security numbers. I'm not sure that we should be releasing this information but am unsure.
From the home page, you can click on Track Legislation and find an index of the hundreds of HR-related bills that are currently pending before the Texas Legislature. I haven't seen a bill on social security number privacy this session, but I haven't scrutinized every single bill since my focus is on state budget matters and state employee issues.
Meanwhile, I'm not aware of any statute already in existence in Tx. on SSN privacy (except for one that excepts the SSN's of govt. employees from the Open Records Act) but I agree with the advice of the respondents, above.