Religious Accomodation

We have an employee who is currently on a written warning for excessive
tardies and unexcused absences. She has used up all of her vacation, personal
and sick time. She put in a request for time-off to attend a religious convention in May. Do we have to allow her time-off without pay in order to accomodate her religious needs?
tardies and unexcused absences. She has used up all of her vacation, personal
and sick time. She put in a request for time-off to attend a religious convention in May. Do we have to allow her time-off without pay in order to accomodate her religious needs?
If you can accommodate the absence without undue hardship on the enterprise and the "convention" is a required part of the employee's religious practices, you're probably on the hook.
P.S. If this employee gets to go to a convention claiming religious accomodation you can expect other employees to cash in.
From what you have said, this request does not sound like a "religious practice". I am a Christian and going to "conferences" is not a religious practice on the level of prayer, Bible study, and church attendance. I wish it was because I work for a christian conference center and that would be GREAT for business!
Are you a public employer? If so, you may have some other concerns. But I would say you should be ok in treating this request like you would treat an employee who requests time off for a concert or special event.
I think it's pushing it for time off to attend a conference unless it is a requirement of the religion that the employee attend this conference. If the employee says that it is, it is a good suggestion that someone had to have the minister document this.
This is really skirting on the gray edge of the law.