Fallout from Violent Employee

I can't believe this keeps going on and on.
This is in regards to the violent employee issue that I posted about last week.
Once the decision was made to fire the violent ee we looked into the reasons why he got so angry in the first place. He had claimed that the kitchen staff had been torturing him for weeks by calling him names in Spanish. The entire kitchen staff (6 ee's) are related and they do have a tendency to be clan-ish and they have forced people out before.
So this is what they decided; To fill the gap in the cafe that was made by firing the violent guy ( I don't know what else to call him at this point) they moved one of the ee's from the Deli to the Cafe. Their official reasoning was that she had the best English speaking skills and she had worked a register with us in the past and we used one in the Cafe. Neither of these skills were required of the previous ee.
The unofficial reasoning behind this tansfer was to break up the clan. When she was given this news she flatly refused to go. She came in today, they told her to work in the Cafe, she went staight to the Deli. They wrote her up and told her to either go to the Cafe or go home. She stayed put. They ordered her to go home. She finally did but it got really nasty, or so I hear, I was en route when this was occurring. They plan on doing the same thing tomorrow.
She wants to be fired so that she can collect.
I have such a bad feeling about this and I don't know where to go from here. Any advice woul be great.
This is in regards to the violent employee issue that I posted about last week.
Once the decision was made to fire the violent ee we looked into the reasons why he got so angry in the first place. He had claimed that the kitchen staff had been torturing him for weeks by calling him names in Spanish. The entire kitchen staff (6 ee's) are related and they do have a tendency to be clan-ish and they have forced people out before.
So this is what they decided; To fill the gap in the cafe that was made by firing the violent guy ( I don't know what else to call him at this point) they moved one of the ee's from the Deli to the Cafe. Their official reasoning was that she had the best English speaking skills and she had worked a register with us in the past and we used one in the Cafe. Neither of these skills were required of the previous ee.
The unofficial reasoning behind this tansfer was to break up the clan. When she was given this news she flatly refused to go. She came in today, they told her to work in the Cafe, she went staight to the Deli. They wrote her up and told her to either go to the Cafe or go home. She stayed put. They ordered her to go home. She finally did but it got really nasty, or so I hear, I was en route when this was occurring. They plan on doing the same thing tomorrow.
She wants to be fired so that she can collect.
I have such a bad feeling about this and I don't know where to go from here. Any advice woul be great.
Unemployment should deny her benefit claims when "for cause" is the reason for termination.
Aside from firing the whole lot of them and starting all over (which is my initial knee-jerk reaction - but hardly practical), is there any reason not to sit everyone down in a meeting and outline what acceptable behavior is going to be from now on? I'm assuming that your "clan" is going to deny any name-calling, but that's OK. You just need to put people on notice that disrespectful behavior toward each other (or anyone else) is not acceptable and will be treated like any other disciplinary infraction. Good luck.
First, simply because it was insubordination. Second, because you want to get the word out to the other employees about who actually is the boss.
I think you and the others that be should sit down and fully evaluate the situation. You have a group of people who "have forced people out before." They sound like they are out of control (and/or believe that they are in control). You will never be able to keep additional kitchen staff for long, if the newcomers are going to leave. It is time to bite bullet. I would advise them in writing about what is expected. Furthermore, when someone new is hired, I would ask one of them to do the training and advise that if they do not train properly etc., they will be terminated.
She not only refused to go to the Cafe but she did it in a rude way, mimicing her boss and dancing around and declaring "I'm in the Deli, I'm in the Deli!".
She doesn't want to leave the Deli because she has a good time there with her family. I think that her behavior this morning was atrocious and undermined her boss's ability to run his department. I want to reccomend terming for that reason alone but since I still have a lot to learn about HR I'm throwing this out there to see if any of you had more, greatly appreciated, advice.
The Kitchen staff has been there for almost a decade. I think they'll settle down when they realize they are not running the department, their BOSS is!
Based on your last post, I would be inclined to terminate in this particular case, but you still need to address the larger issue of overall employee behavior.
Next time you may want to try the suspension approach just to give yourself time for things to settle down a little. If you have a labor contract you'll have to negotiate that.
Here's a quote from your initial post last week: "This, despite the witnesses etc. I am dealing with managers who hate H.R. bleeping on about lawsuits and liability, compliance et al."
Now maybe they will start taking seriously all that "H.R. bleeping".....
If you would like further help with this down the road, let me know your email and I will be happy to help you out. You can email me at [email]lighthouseone2003@yahoo.com[/email].
My opinion is that the ee spoke with an attorney who advised her that the company acted accordingly in terminating the violent employee and that they cannot retaliate against her for making the complaint. I'm sure she started seeing $$$ in her eyes and figured that her getting terminated would allow her to proceed with some type of lawsuit. Her mistake, it appears, is that she chose to create a situation, if your investigation supports this, that leaves the company no choice but to terminate and in her eyes, is retaliation. I'm sure she is NOT telling the whole story to her attorney either.
I do NOT agree with the person telling you to bring her back and give her a raise because this is something that WILL get out in the company and pretty soon you will have quite a few of your employees doing the same thing.
Fire the gal. Bring her in, let her know that she is being terminated for her behavior. Had she come to you in a professional manner, expressing why she did not want to go into the kitchen you might have been able to do something. But the dancing around and mimicing of her supervisor is plain and simple insubordination and will not be tolerated!
Of course make sure all your ducks are in a row to begin with. Prior to this you need to sit down with upper management make sure they are on board with this. Layout how they are about to lose total control of the work place, or more approriately that they have lost total control. After she is terminated I would have a meeting with all employees by department to refresh everyone on polocies and procedures, and what will not be tolerated. Do not discuss any specifics of the termination. Then break up the clan. Rotate some of them out to the deli. Find a strong willed person or two to rotate into the kitchen or hire them. Make sure you read up on managing stress and keep good note. Good Luck.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
(Hey Don D -- you may be needed here))
We have legal council but my finance manager claims that if we even pick up the phone to call them it will cost us dearly.
I do have a guy that counsels me by e-mail that we pay a yearly fee.I finally contacted him and he told me to do exactly as I had been advising management, to term the ee.
When I was able to give them something concrete from someone else they finally agreed.
We are terming her for causing dissension in the workplace and insubordination.
I have been looking for another job but there really is nothing out there right now. Unfortunately I don't have any kind of a degree and only three years of experience.
Thank you all for your help!