HELP! violent employee

I found out today that there has been a conflict brewing amongst one of our departments and another ee. It finally escalated today to the point of threats and the waving of a knife by the employee (he works in a kitchen).Well, when I was finally informed I advised that we terminate. At first management agreed with me, but they were very unhappy about losing him. So as I was writing up the incident they had a meeting with the kitchen staff(without him involved)and since the staff didn't want him fired and didn't want to put anything in writing they decided to give him a second chance. This was a very public incident with many witnesses (not to mention it is going to spread like wildfire.
I am in absolute shock that they are keeping him! Surely I am correct?
Any advice?
I am in absolute shock that they are keeping him! Surely I am correct?
Any advice?
My opinion would still be to fire him, as I wouldn't want the company to be liable should a fight really break out between this employee and the other one down the road and the company was seen as negligent. But sometimes upper management would rather have convenience than of luck.
I saw on another post that Christy says that patootie is okay to use.
We do have a violence in the workplace policy.
Freshest rumor about the guy; he spent two years in jail for beating his wife.
That in the last 1/2 hour.
That seemed to work pretty good. We had two that went off the charts and didn't return for a while, during which they had anger management sessions.
I would document a lot.
This auditor was a guest and had never met this supervisor before. It was not a good situation, it could have meant our failing the audit and losing our ISO certification which could have been disasterous to our business. Our VP was livid.
We decided to terminate his employment then allowed him to resign to save face.
I vote for termination. What happens if this character does it again and actually injures somebody. What is your liability then?
First off, Gillian I would like to get an EAP but my managers dont. Their claim is that we are a non profit and struggling so we can't afford one. I have to admit my ignorance, I only found out what an EAP was about a week ago.
We have a very clear policy on violence and it says in no uncertain terms that this guy should be termed on the basis of his actions.
After tossing and turning all night I decided to take action. I wrote the Managers involved which included the GM a very clear e-mail of my objections to keeping the employee, in keeping with the policy and for the safety of our employees. Tell the truth I was shakin' in my boots, these guys hate being told about policies etc.
After they got the e-mail a flurry of meetings ensued with the guy, the indivuduals involved etc.
Many denials, accusations and so on later they termed him. Guess who got to deliver the news?
Thank all of you for your advice, you gave me the backbone when I needed it!