I've Given Notice!

I suppose any self respecting HR person should set the example of giving appropriate notice. Today starts the second week of my two week notice to my employer. I have accepted another opportunity, another challenge, still as an HR Director. It's much closer to my house. Actually 3 miles instead of this insane 45 minute commute. More money, a much larger company with facilities worldwide and much corporate support, as compared to where I am now being THE corporate office and only two locations with private two-party ownership. And the new company is non-union to boot. All plusses and I don't see a downside. I hope to run into all of you soon, or if not, in the not so distant future and hope to be able to visit the Forum once I learn my way around the new setting. Love and luck to each of you. You're a great group and this is a wonderful support system that we've gotten involved in. Continue to help each other out. I hope I have done that once or maybe twice. Regards, Don D. x:-) x:-) x:-)


  • 50 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • CONGRATS! Wow, sounds like a fantastic deal for you Don. Good luck hope it works out even better than you think it will.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Oh Don....please say you aren't going to desert us forever! Please try to get back on the Forum as soon as you possibly can. I will miss your expertise, your insight and, of course, your unique brand of humor which I so appreciate.

    Good luck to you in your new endeavor. Whatever you do, you will be successful.

    Drop me a line at [email]hr@scheart.com[/email] and let me know how things are going.

    Love ya!


  • Say it ain't so!!! You do need to find your way back here - how else will you be able to deal with all the new challenges coming your way?

    Really Don, sounds like a great opportunity in a perfect setting. My best to you.
  • Sounds like a terrific new opportunity!!! However, please stay with the forum. As a fairly new participant, your responses were the first ones I always looked for on questions. Your responses were always rational, on-point, and quite often very funny. Best of Luck!
  • Dear Don D: So, you are going to "stir the pot" some where else. It has been a pleasure visiting with you on the Forum. If you are as addicted to it as I am, you'll be back. You have to. Please don't leave me alone with Paul, da Beagle, WOCO and Pork. x:-(

    I wish you an easy transition and know you'll love the challenges that a non-union workplace can bring. Congratulations!
  • Don D.

    Congratulations and best of luck on your new endeavor!

    I have learned a lot at your(virtual)knee over the last year, and I fervently hope that you find your way back to the forum, otherwise your wit and wisdom will be greatly missed.

  • Congratulations Don - I'm sure you will conquer your new world in short order. Also, since I have both union and nonunion facilities to deal with, I'll look forward to your take on your new world once you find the time to rejoin the forum. Like mostly everyone else who participates, I looked forward to your insight and found your answers of great assistance. Good luck and come back soon.
  • Don,

    I've also learned so much from you thru this forum. I wish you the best (you're going to LOVE non-union). Please find your way back to us as soon as you possibly can.

  • Hopefully, it will not be long and people will be shouting, HE'S BACK!!!
  • My very best wishes accompany you to your new "challenges". HR is such an exciting and rewarding field. I could always see your passion for it, no matter what the issue. The new organization is lucky to get you! See ya later on the Forum.
  • Don D. Are we going to get a big note tomorrow that says APRIL FOOL?????????
    If not, then congrats. Having made a career enhancing move a year ago tomorrow, I can somewhat put myself in your shoes, even the commute aspect. Please do find your way back to the forum and it won't be long until you can again reach the 2000 post plateau.
  • Congratulations, that sounds like a great career move for you! I hope you don't have to stop sharing your great advice with all of us. I thank you for the many times you have helped me out xclap.

  • NON-UNION!! You lucky so-and-so. Actually Don, with your knowledge and insight I'm sure that you make your own luck. Congratulations. It is well deserved.
  • Wow, miss a week and you miss a lot!

    Well Don, you have been an inspiration to us all and you best not leave us, else we'll hunt you down....

    No, no. What I meant to say was best of luck and come back soon!

  • Just wanted to throw my Congrats in here as well. I envy you going non-union!! Best of luck to you!
  • Don~
    Congrats! Sounds like the job of your dreams. I am going to miss your words of wisdom, and look forward to your return to the Forum. thanks for all your help.

  • Dandy Don: I will not say good-bye! It is fully expected that you will rejoin the net without delay. "See you in no less than two weeks" would be a good guess! I had a deep feeling that: 1. either you were about to run the gauntlet into the retired arena, or 2. else you had built yourself a terrific dynasty in a union situation, or 3. you really were tired of the everyday nature of the business where you are, and could give us the tremendous amount of time devoted to this network. This NET is addictive/educational and you are one of the most addictive members. Two weeks of drying out and you'll be ready to hit the road with us again!!!

    To JIM: I would think that M. Lee Smith should be able to grant "Dandy Don" at least a 90 day consultant roll so that we do not also have a need to go through "withdrawals" without "Dandy don". I know Christy would have leaped at the opportunity to show "Dandy Don" that his thousands of posting do not and have not gone without notice.

    FROM THE PORK WORLD OF BUSINESS, OINK, OINK which is swine talk for "Ain't this world of HR wonderful!! Pork
  • Congrats Don! Your new company is very fortunate to have you on their team. I know you won't be gone too long. I do not envy those Forum Withdrawl symptoms that you will be faced with. The constant wondering of new postings, the involuntary typing on an invisible keyboard, the sleepless nights. Stay strong it will pass soon. You may have to check the forum on the weekends more to help see you through. And hopefully when you come back I'll finally be able to make these blasted emoticons work! Best of luck to you.
  • Don:

    We'll miss you. I must admit I've looked at a few of the topics and replies to see if you had a part in either.

    Great luck to you! You'll love having a short commute and a non-union facility to work at. We'll look forward to seeing you on the forum soon.


  • Don D,

    Congrats! Now that you are a short-timer, you can relax and spend more time in the Har-De-HR forum.

    I can't imagine how your old company will replace you.

  • Don D.

    I have only been around here a few weeks and I already know that you are a "wise and wonderful" HR. I am sure your old company will quickly feel their loss and your new comany will be counting their blessings. Thank you for the help you have given all of us that get a bit dazed and confused at times.

    Best Wishes-

  • Congratulations, Don!
    I'm trying to figure out the propriety of this though: Two weeks notice to your employer and only a week to your "Forum friends". Isn't there some kind of penalty clause? Loss of payout, or loss of number of posts?
    Is there a new vehicle in your future?
    Good Luck.
  • I've only been visiting the forum for a few weeks myself, but when I saw your post, I said aloud, "Oh no!"

    Congrats on your new position and hurry back.


    Yet Another Who Appreciates your Wit and Wisdom
  • Don D, I echo everyones sentiments and know that you will come
    back to the forum soon. I think what I have enjoyed most about
    you, no it is not your vast knowledge of HR, no it isn't your insight
    into those difficult situations, it is your humanity. That, my man,
    is hard to find so come back to us so some of that will rub off on
    the rest of us. xhugs

  • Congrats, Don! I hope to see you back here really soon. I appreciate your posts here. Thanks for your support when I've had questions and needed advice.
  • Good luck Don. I appreciate the responses you've given to my posts!!
  • Don - Congratulations on your new position. You'll love Non-Union. Hope to have you back in the forum real soon, as I always look forward to your respones. Again, congratulations and hope to hear from you soon.
    Cindy xclap
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-01-03 AT 11:32AM (CST)[/font][p]Don - the BEST of luck to you with your new position. Please don't stop being a member of the Forum. You always made me smile with your wit and charm. Congratulations, you deserve it!! xclap

  • Well, I was on vacation so didn't know about this. Congratulations.
  • Best of Luck, Congratulations, Way-To-Go, all that other jazz. My odds give you 2-weeks to return to the forum. If you don't come back, we will hunt you down (I can identify the bottle tree) and force you back! All joking aside, grab your HRHero t-shirt and show your stuff, we at the forum will miss you till you are able to come back.
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