"Missing" Documents

Yesterday I wrote about the ee who brought the dog into our plant. Well, things just keep getting more interesting with this person...
Last night he was given the disciplinary actions for both the dog and quality. He refused to sign them although we made sure a union rep. was there. This morning when I reported to work I did not find the paperwork in my mailbox (it's a locked mailbox on the outside of my office door)as I expected. I checked around and nobody had the paperwork either. Later this morning I spoke with the supervisor who gave him the write ups and asked her where she put them. She responded that she placed them in my mailbox. After double checking with other managers the information is nowhere to be found and we also discovered that if you pull on the side of my mailbox, you can get your hand inside.
I'm sure you're thinking the same as I am regarding what happened to that documentation. We have several problems in dealing with it: 1) this employee is on vacation today, 2) this ee starts a 3-week voluntary layoff on Monday and 3) As far as I know nobody saw him take it.
I don't think there is anything we can do but I wanted to ask you guys if you felt the same way.
Last night he was given the disciplinary actions for both the dog and quality. He refused to sign them although we made sure a union rep. was there. This morning when I reported to work I did not find the paperwork in my mailbox (it's a locked mailbox on the outside of my office door)as I expected. I checked around and nobody had the paperwork either. Later this morning I spoke with the supervisor who gave him the write ups and asked her where she put them. She responded that she placed them in my mailbox. After double checking with other managers the information is nowhere to be found and we also discovered that if you pull on the side of my mailbox, you can get your hand inside.
I'm sure you're thinking the same as I am regarding what happened to that documentation. We have several problems in dealing with it: 1) this employee is on vacation today, 2) this ee starts a 3-week voluntary layoff on Monday and 3) As far as I know nobody saw him take it.
I don't think there is anything we can do but I wanted to ask you guys if you felt the same way.
My thoughts on this are NOT to say anything to the ee, he is off today and for at least the next three weeks. By the time he returns it will be old news and he will think he "got away" with it and hopefully he will be more careless next time. I know it sounds sneaky and underhanded but the list of problems with this ee are long and varied. I am basically waiting for him to "hang himself".
I think though that your memo that you have now created, with signatures, should answer any and all questions going forward.