omission on resume

We have hired a CEO without doing a background check. BIG MISTAKE!
After major problems with this person, found that he omitted his officer position at a competitor company just months before we hired. Does anyone know if we can terminate for his omission on resume. It is true that if someone lies on resume, the more likely that he will lie on the job because it has happened to us. Any insight in the matter would be greatly appreciated.
After major problems with this person, found that he omitted his officer position at a competitor company just months before we hired. Does anyone know if we can terminate for his omission on resume. It is true that if someone lies on resume, the more likely that he will lie on the job because it has happened to us. Any insight in the matter would be greatly appreciated.
I notice you say "resume" not "application". Did this person not fill out an application for your company? Did you primarily rely upon this person's resume? When you hired this person did you enter into a written contract? Are you in an "at will" state? Without knowing the specific facts, using only your post I offer the following comments. The omission of a fact is serious. If you relied primarily upon the person's resume which you found out at a later time to be untruthful, you have relied upon information provided by the person to your detriment. Based upon this detrimental reliance you entered into any employer - employee relationship, by the fraudulent acts of the person. Thus, through fraud you were induced to enter into the relationship. Sounds like this person misrepresented by omission the material facts on this persons resume. I would document, document, document every thing from day one through today. Then I would contact our counsel (attorney for our company) for advise and terminate immediately!!!
I would document, document, >document every thing from day one through today. Contact our counsel >for advise and terminate immediately!!!
JMLEGAL - Sounds like you are from the Legal arena but how could someone contact you since your profile is disabled?
So Don D, does that mean I can't adverstise my sports prognostication
expertise on the Forum?
This also says something about a person's basic character. It's a very good indication they would not conduct themselves above board on the job.
We hired a clerical person in one of our regional offices which is a very small town and everyone knows everyone's business there. This individual ommitted a former employer on her resume that she stole funds from. A patient in our office evidently knew about this and asked the doctor why we had a thief working in our midst. Since the former employer terminated the person and did not file charges if she agreed to reimburse, it did not appear on the background check. We terminated for falsification of resume.
No, I got documentation from the "firing" company which surprised the heck out of me that they would give it. (It was actually a copy of a signed agreement where she agreed to make restitution for stolen funds). Anyway...I just sat the employee down and stated that we had received information that she had been employed by such and such an organization and was that true? She stated she had. I asked her if there was any reason she did not disclose this information on her application. She said "Because I did something bad." I then asked "Could you share with me what this was?" She then admitted to taking the money.
This made the termination quite simple, but I agree that you do have to handle these type things gingerly.