Just Appointed - HIPAA Privacy Ombudsman/Contact Person - What do I do?

Yesterday I was appointed to this role. I am not the Privacy Officer. I need specific information on my responsibilities/procedures. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
This will depend on who designated you the "contact/ombudsman." If you were designated by the Privacy Officer, you have the duties and responsibilities of the Privacy Officer for whatever tasks have been delegated to you. If you are to be the point person or gatekeeper for HIPAA inquiries, for example, your responsibilities might include forwarding calls and/or written inquiries to the Privacy Officer, relaying messages from the Privacy Officer, and/or logging in requests for information. You should review your company's HIPAA policies and procedures and/or meet with your Privacy Offcier to get more guidance on what your exact reponsibilities are.
More information on HIPAA policies and procedures can be found at [url]www.hhs.gov/ocr/hipaa/bkgrnd.html[/url].
>Yesterday I was appointed to this role. I am not the Privacy Officer.
> I need specific information on my responsibilities/procedures. Any
>help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I have no information to offer, just my condolensces.