
How many of you have some kind of motivational program where you work (i.e. employee of the month, etc)? If you do, does it work well? and how do you go about choosing employees? We would love to do something, but everything we have tried in the past hasn't really worked out as we had planned. There are always those employees who complain about things not being fair. I would love to hear any suggestions. Thanks!
It's hard to keep moral up when there are so many employees with negative attitudes, but it's worth trying in my opinion.
Good Luck!
All forms are then put in a fish bowl. And then every month, usually mid-month, we gather all the employees together. We ask for a volunteer to draw 1 name from the fish bowl of candidates. The winner receives a company monogrammed Golf Shirt, a $25. gift certificate to the Olive Garden, and at times we throw in extra percs, such as tickets to basketball, hockey, football games too.
All candidates, including the winnner, get a "Super Star Certificate" together with an enameled, logoed Star pin we had made up. At this time, we also have a cake to celebrate all the birthdays of the month. All candidates' names are printed in our monthly newsletter as well.
We have found it to be very successful. The employees look forward to it, many do go the extra mile, and most importantly they feel recognized. I don't believe it's about the size of the reward, but rather about the recognition.
Since we always open the floor up to questions, the added bonus to these monthly "reward" meetings is that it also gives the employees a venue and a chance for them to raise their concerns to management.
For us this Super Star program has worked very well.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
In case you did not figure it out I was joking!
I used to make people a balloon on their birthday, they got to pick the creation.
The winners receive a $50 gift certificate to the establishment of their choice and a polo shirt with the company logo. Plus they are recognized and given their awards publicly in a monthly "All Hands" meeting.
Additionally, we used to do an employee of the quarter, but stopped it both locally and at corporate for the same reasons. That winner was chosen by vote of all the employees in the facility. Departments would pool their votes and the biggest department won, regardless of worth. Once we made a management decision (directors and GM) to award the 2nd highest vote getter because the number one person we didn't think was worthy of the honor. People went around polling each voter and determined we "cheated". The last time we gave the award only 7 out of 200 employees voted.
Good luck, and have fun!
everyone gets a little motivated.
But seriously.....We are a bank system and have 14 branch locations and allow each branch to decide on how to motivate. You guessed it - some branches don't even try to do anything and have poor morale. Other branches have jumped both feet into it. Our budgets are limited - so here are their creative things: (Remember these are branches - where the most is 10 employees) Posters of "good" things that have happened, small gifts from the dollar store, ice cream day, certificates, (made on the computer)lunch on us, movie passes, lunch on us. We have one branch where the team leader made this incredibly cheesy "trophy" out of a champagne glass, flowers, tinsel, stars, and a little sign that says "You are special!" It's a traveling trophy in the branch and EVERYONE wants it. It's an honor to have that goofy thing sitting by your window or desk! Go figure!
In my department, I buy grape slushes from Sonic. Everybody smiles on that day!
Another suggestion, ask your employees what motivates them? You might be suprised.
Once a month we gather all the slips and they are read at our DH meeting. The DH of the person being nominated says either Yeah or Neah to their nomination and then we vote.
It has worked well, especially having the employee committee give us nominations. Employees don't feel the DH are playing favorites. We also have the chair of the employee committee come to the DH meetings once a month to report on employee issues and see what is doing on at the DH level. It has worked well.