Temporary Layoff

Our company is one of the many feeling the effects of the downturn in the economy. We are waiting for some upcoming projects expected around mid-April. In the meantime we must temporarily layoff some employees until the projects arrive. My question is, do we have to actually terminate these individuals, or may we put them on an involuntary leave of absence? If the latter, how long may they be classified as being on an involuntary leave of absence? What are we required to do with these employees?
Good Luck
The question is, if you put them on leave, what are their benefits? Are you going to continue medical benefits, or put them on COBRA? Are you going to allow them to take any paid leave, during they time they are on leave without pay.
If the company decides to put them on leave, the company may want to consider giving the leave a drop dead date (for example -- tell the employee we don't have enough work right now, we anticipate having work by April, we are going to put you on leave until the work comes in. The leave will last a maximum of 60 days and your medical benefits will be continued by the company during that time. If the contracts have not come in at the end of 60 days, your employment will be terminated, your benefits will cease, and you will be sent COBRA notification. If the contracts come in between today and 60 days, we will call you back to work. Then you will have to tell the employee what is going to happen to paid vacation, ect (will they take it during leave?).
You should expect that some employees will find other employment and never return. A lot of people could not live without pay for a couple of months.
You could lay them off, then put the immediately on COBRA, and maintain a recall list. That way, you can recall employees as needed. Again, some employees will find alternate employment and never return.
Under the WARN act, if the reduction in hours lasts more than 6 months, it is considered an employment loss -- so if you are putting more than 50 employees on leave, you need to calculate the WARN Act consequenses.