
I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard or seen an addendum to a vacation policy that lets an ee give some of his/her vacation days to another ee? For instance, if I had 2 extra vaca. days, and my co-worker needed 2 days, could I legally give them to her? If you've heard of this or have a policy such as this, please let me know.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have a Catastrophic Leave policy, that if someone has a non-workers comp accident or major illness, but doesn't have enough sick leave to cover them, voluntary contributions of sick or annual leave are accepted and then converted according to hourly wage.
  • We do allow employees to donate vacation days or their personal day to another employee, the employee donating fills out the paperwork for the amount of hours and to whom they are donating. Then the hours of donation are deducted from the the donor and paid to the receipent at the receipents current wage.x:-)

  • Is it very often that people donate to others?
  • 99% of our donations are for a major reason, either the employee themselves need the time off and won't have enough vacation to cover them, or someone in their immediate family is hospitalized and the employee would not be able to be with them without the donation of vacation time.

    Also at this time, employees and others will do fund raising to help with expenses, such as raffles, bake sales or just money donations.
  • Lola,

    We have a qualifier for emergency/medical purposes only. It's vacation donation, the donatee must have exhausted all sick and vacation time available, and the donator must maintain a minimum 40 hours vacation for themselves. It goes dollar for dollar - someone making $20 per hour donates 10 hours to someone making $10 per hour means they are actually donating 20 hours of pay to the donatee.

    A woman wanted to donate vacation to her husband for a rain day. That was a no.
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