Expressions of Congratulations & Sympathy

Does anyone have a written company policy on the above? It seems we are sending flowers to someone every week for something and it's been getting expensive! It was suggested we put a policy in place. If you have one and would like to share it please do! Thanks folks!
This seems to work well for us.
Not sure of annual costs - I'll have to check with our finance department. You've got my curiosity piqued.
We also will send flowers to any of our major customers that are having surgery or someone in their immediate family's funeral. This is on the authorization of the President, CEO, or CFO of the company only.
Where I used to work we sent flowers each time someone sneezed. It was very expensive and I don't think the employee (in some cases) cared one way or another. So, we changed it. We sent flowers (or donation) each time an employee (only) was hospitalized, and for the death of employee, spouse and/or child. All others (parents, grandparents, cousins, etc) we would send cards. Thsi cut down our costs drastically and most importantly, it was handled consistently. (I did it as soon as I was informed.)
Where I am now , we do not have a policy. Obviously flowers are sent in the sitution of an employees death. Often times, they will be sent to ill employee (whether in hospital or not), but not alway and not consistently. Also, I think there is often a burden placed on employees when a well meaning employee passes the hat. Sometimes employees don't have the money to give or really don't want to for whatever reason and feel pressured to do so. I wish we could get this under control.
They are sent in the event of death of an employee, or immediate family member, defined as spouse, child, stepchildren, parents or stepparents. We get complaints about not sending them to someone's brother or sister, but having the written policy stops that.
I also have the right to use discretion in other circumstances, and to do something other than flowers. I often send the money we would spend instead of flowers if I know the person is in real financial need.
Departments often sign cards and such too. We use the money for other activities such as our annual picnic also, since we are a non-profit and the budget doesn't allow for much frivolity.