Resignation by Email

An ee resigned by email. They may have files, client data, etc. in their possession. No one knows for sure. There is no confidentiality agreement or anything else for that matter that states company property must be returned upon termination. (I know what my dear friends on this forum are thinking but I just started working with this company ;;))

Any suggestions? I am going to call our attorney but wanted to get some input from this group before I called so I would be armed with some thoughts other than the ones I already have x:-8 .


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-21-03 AT 01:37PM (CST)[/font][p]BEWARE!!! How do you know that the ee resigned? Could it have been someone else that resigned for the ee? You need to verify this resignation with the ee. Maybe a letter sent certified mail return receipt requested acknowledging the resignation, requesting return of all company property and advising when the ee can pickup their final pay check. I would be very cautious on this one and keep a well defined paper trail. Good luck...
  • We are sure they resigned. They are calling employees here telling them that so-and-so manager doesn't like them either and they should also quit. BYW this is a supervisory level ee that quit.
  • CALL him/her to confirm. Tell them to cease the telephone calls to the company telephones. And, as Jim said, tell them when and where to pick up their paycheck in exchange for all company property. If you have direct deposit, put a hold on it.
  • After your last post, I would let our attorney write an extremely strong letter. Which letter would contain a cease and desist demand, that the ee stop calling your business and making defamatory statements to current employees. You may also want to consider, counseling the the employees circulating the disrupting information and explain how their actions are disrupting the workplace. You would need to follow your company's policy on this matter. Be proactive, don't let this one bad apple ruin the entire barrel! Good luck...
  • Unfortunately, it's already a pretty rotten barrel. It is also a real hot bed, pun intended.
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