EE issue

I had an EE who requested 3 weeks off for personal reasons(she is looking for daycare). She has been working for us for about 3 months. I rejected her request and told her supervisor that if she had any vacation days, she may use them for this purpose if it is approved my management. I got a letter today from the EE that goes as follows:
"As I told you that day I will give you my 2 week notice upon my return to work. However, I am writing you this letter to inform you that I will not be returning to (company) because of the personal reasons that I told you about. When I get my personal matters taken care of I will give you and/or HR a call to let you know when I can come back to work. If for any reason (company) does not want to come back to work I would like to take the time and thank (company) for the opportunity to work for them. Enclosed you will find my badge and keys to (company)"
I feel like I am about to be set up for a UE claim...insight please! As always Thank you for all of your assistance.
Kari Swenson
"As I told you that day I will give you my 2 week notice upon my return to work. However, I am writing you this letter to inform you that I will not be returning to (company) because of the personal reasons that I told you about. When I get my personal matters taken care of I will give you and/or HR a call to let you know when I can come back to work. If for any reason (company) does not want to come back to work I would like to take the time and thank (company) for the opportunity to work for them. Enclosed you will find my badge and keys to (company)"
I feel like I am about to be set up for a UE claim...insight please! As always Thank you for all of your assistance.
Kari Swenson
Sounds to me as if you have a resignation/self termination. You may want to write her back to just confirm any benefits (if she has any, does she owe for any insurance, etc.) and let her know that you accept her resignation as of whatever date. (such as last day actively at work.) This is a nice way to let her know that you aren't holding her job open, without putting it in words. I can't see how any any hearing officer would grant her unemployment for the several reasons mentioned before (not looking for work, she took the action to leave for her personal reasons, etc.) I wouldn't get into the statement about her saying she was going to give 2 weeks notice upon her return and that you didn't even grant her the time off to begin with. What difference does this make at this point. Sounds like she isn't ready to go to work full time (hasn't thought through child care situation) and may be needs additional time before she can make someone a good employee.