Is this part of HIPAA compliance?

An ongoing and inappropriate habit of management is to send Agency wide e-mails regarding and employees personal health status. An example of this would be if an employee is out sick due to an illness/condition - the Supervisor sends out an e-mail explaining that this person will not be in and they will go onto explaining why they are out (ie. back problem, operation, etc.).
This is striking me as a violation of an employee's personal info. ...
I welcome any comments on this situation...
Just sign me as working with unskilled management living in the dark ages....
This is striking me as a violation of an employee's personal info. ...
I welcome any comments on this situation...
Just sign me as working with unskilled management living in the dark ages....
I would try and communicate that this practice should stop before 4/14.
Also, if any of those individuals were out on an FMLA approved reason (for example, the surgery) then again the person's rights may be violated under that rule as well.
What I do when people will be out for an extended period of time, is get a card for the owners to sign and send to them, and then one from the office staff that I send out about 5 days later, and then another 5 days or so one from the field staff that they work with. Keeps them chipper, and looking forward to getting back. I do this with WC and non-WC injuries/illness.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
HIPAA has rightly been portayed by a Hipopotamus! Just another giant government mess up.
(edit) One other idea. She suggested you do it by email. Let her do it by email. I really think that if you choose to do this, it will have one of two possible outcomes: Either you set yourself up to be perceived as the company babysitter, or what you say in the email backfires on you and bites you in the butt because it's not what she intended for you to pass on. No win. Other priorities.