Exit Interview (Interview vs. mailed survey)
29 Posts
I'm a newly created "HR Department." Realizing that exit interviews can be a wonderful growth and learning tool for our company, I was wondering what the majority of you believes to be the most valuable process: "personal interview" OR "forwarding a survey with a stamped, self-addressed envelope" to the exiting employee. I'm just concerned that surveys would not be returned (out of sight ... out of mind). I'd appreciate hearing both the pros and cons. Thank you.
The information we gather runs the gamut from "unfixable" (no parking at a location)to serious issues. Serious issues are discussed and appropriate action taken.
Also, during the exit interview, COBRA information is delivered as well as information on withdrawing from the 401-K account and any other benefit issues.
There is an exit checklist so that nothing is accidently missed.
However, if an employee chooses to skip the exit interview, the paperwork is mailed to the last known address.
This works fairly well for us.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Not to say you won't have a won't have a whole different set of problems with all our new hires - but at least they will be new!
I have found them useful for trends. If I notice a particular trend in a department I will call it to the attention of the Department Director and discuss how it might be resolved; however, if it involves employee vs management, yes, it is usually the "employee" who was at fault so I try not to get into those because its a no win situation.