Feminine Products

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-12-03 AT 10:23AM (CST)[/font][p]We currently do not offer a feminine products machine in our ladies restroom. We have had a few ee's who inquired about installing a machine. My plant supervisor remembers that a few years ago the company that he worked for pulled out their machines because of Work comp claims (Toxic Shock Syndrome). Does anyone have any experience with this issue?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the help in this. We decided to put some items in the bathroom for the ladies and let them pay for the items.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the help in this. We decided to put some items in the bathroom for the ladies and let them pay for the items.
I don't know about work comp issues. Would seem impossible to prove that it was that specific product which caused an infection/disease, when you purchase all kinds of other products on your own.
If you have a majority of women in your employ, this can be a greatly appreciated benefit to them..something to consider.
I suppose you wanna say something smart aleck about childbirth, cramps, bloating, control top pantyhose, etc...
come on..do it..I dare ya!
>What are we putting in the men's room to accommodate their agonies?
>Just wondering. And what's all this hoopla about cramps, bloating,
>childbirth and control top panty hose? None of those have ever
>presented any problems for me and I've never had any such complaints
>when my wife went through any of that stuff. I just tell her, "Suck it
>up!" I know this is a women's only thread, but I'll be bold anyway,
>although not nearly as bold as parabeagle. I do have a little bit of
Hey! We have a Viagra machine in our mens' rooms.
"Suck it up"???... my husband wouldn't even dare ...
As far as in the men's room, we provide them with a fully stocked "First Aid Kit"...
Djacobs: Seriously, do you think I would have lived this long if I were stupid enough to tell her that. I can think it though.
Sheesh. And I think that was a smart move not saying that to your wife..you may have found yourself sucking something up, if you know what I mean!!
As you can tell, this is the end of a long, stressful week and I am soooo glad we have some humor to fall back on!