Right to Know About Terminated Emp?

Please let me know how, or if, you notify your staff of a Lead's firing. We recently fired one of our Leads and then heard from an employee (another Lead)that it was a hot topic among our staff. They are apparently feeling insecure, as the terminated employee was well-liked, and it left them wondering if it happened to her, could it happen to them? We fired the employee due to poor job performance; this was apparent to those who worked closely with her, but those that didn't just saw a nice lady being let go. I notified her staff, but no one else, as we don't make an announcement about someone being fired!
Surprisingly, the Lead who told us about the situation, asked her supervisor if we just all of a sudden had let her go. It was explained that it hadn't happened that way - that we had gone through the normal steps leading to a termination. If a Lead could wonder about this, how must the rest of the staff feel? The Lead should know better; she's been through the process of terminating a member of her staff. Documentation, written warnings, etc. Our thoughts are that we should probably have notified the Leads individually, telling them it just wasn't a good fit. It's not appropriate to notify the rest of the staff when a Lead is let go. If asked by their staff, the Leads could tell them the same. Amazingly, this is the first time we have actually fired a Lead in the 14 years I've been with the company. We have demoted, but not fired. What do the rest of you do? I know I'm long winded, sorry!
Surprisingly, the Lead who told us about the situation, asked her supervisor if we just all of a sudden had let her go. It was explained that it hadn't happened that way - that we had gone through the normal steps leading to a termination. If a Lead could wonder about this, how must the rest of the staff feel? The Lead should know better; she's been through the process of terminating a member of her staff. Documentation, written warnings, etc. Our thoughts are that we should probably have notified the Leads individually, telling them it just wasn't a good fit. It's not appropriate to notify the rest of the staff when a Lead is let go. If asked by their staff, the Leads could tell them the same. Amazingly, this is the first time we have actually fired a Lead in the 14 years I've been with the company. We have demoted, but not fired. What do the rest of you do? I know I'm long winded, sorry!
>the former employee well. And, we do it for all employees. That's all
>we do. It does not matter if the employee was discharged, quit,
>retired etc. HR should never,NEVER, speak about any employee (whether
>current or former) with another employee except on a need to know
>basis. Maintaining the confidentiality of an employee record (both
>good and bad)is one of the most important parts of the job.
Just so I don't appear too ignorant, I am emphatic about protecting an employee's privacy. The employee, herself, on the way out the door, told several staff memebers she had been terminated. How long does it take for that type of news to get around in your company?!
Of course, they will still talk and as many of them are friends outside of work, you can never truly keep a lid on everything, but like Don said, at least it didn't come from HR!!