Making employees have automobile insurance and how much!

In our state we do not require drivers to carry automobile car insurance but watch out, if you get into an accident you are then required to place liability insurance on your vehicle or your drivers license is taken away for a certain amount of time. My organization is a non-profit, we do not have many company vehicles, therefore, I've asked our employees to complete a survey consisting of questions from the agency's liability insurance carrier, about the level of auto liability coverage they currently carry on the vehicle(s) they use for conducting agency-related business.
My question is we currently do not have a policy in place requiring employees to carry automobile insurance on their vehicles, can we ask what their level of coverage is and how much the individual pays for their Bodily Injury Liability Coverage? Secondly, how can the insurance carrier insist that employees carry coverage when New Hampshire does not require drivers to have insurance?
I know this is long and I do apologize. Any suggestions for a policy or legal advice would be helpful.
My question is we currently do not have a policy in place requiring employees to carry automobile insurance on their vehicles, can we ask what their level of coverage is and how much the individual pays for their Bodily Injury Liability Coverage? Secondly, how can the insurance carrier insist that employees carry coverage when New Hampshire does not require drivers to have insurance?
I know this is long and I do apologize. Any suggestions for a policy or legal advice would be helpful.