Is this contract request valid?

A guy on an H1-B visa is being sponsored for employment. He has his Employment Authorization card and has applied for his green card. Here's the question: his employer has stated that he must sign a contract with the company with these terms: he must remain employed for a minimum of twelve months after receipt of the green card, and if he leaves the company before that time, he must pay his employer a "fee" of $10,000.00 - can he do this? It can take several years to get that green card. If the employee refuses to sign this "contract", can the employer revoke sponsorship and terminate?
My advice would be for Linda to call her attorney before proceeding. Without more detail, I could not answer this question. With detail, it could take some significant time to research and answer. For some off the cuff advice, Linda should be aware that immigration laws prohibit requiring aliens to pay any fees or business costs associated with prosecuting H1B petitions. Also, the anti-discrimination provisions of IRCA could be implicated depending on how they implement this policy. Linda should proceed with caution.
I'm sorry that you have had poor experiences with community services for immigrants. Although I haven't had significant experience with them, a friend of mine heavily involved in the Hispanic, eastern European, and Hmong communities raves about such groups.
Then again, perhaps I totally didn't understand the question and am WAY out in left field -- it wouldn't be the first time!