Alcohol at Company related events

I have done research on this topic and have learned that the results of the employer's liability are state specific. I have two questions still - what are other employers doing regarding employees or supervisors posting flyers in a break room inviting others to join them in a happy this okay as long as the company is not paying for any of it? Second, what do other employers feel is their liability if their sales people take clients out for dinner, pay for it and the client drives home after having several drinks and gets in an accident? Any insight on these topics would be helpful. Thanks.
We recently went away from alcohol at company functions. We also discourage the supervior/foreman from inviting/having the happy hour event to avoid an employee from saying they felt like they had to go to be "part of the group".
As for part two of your question, you would have some liability if you were to get the client intoxicated. Though always possible to mitigate and try to blame the place that served the alcohol. The landscape has changed significantly over the last few years in this area. The days of the keg at the company picnic and employees drinking to much should be/ are gone.
Hey Jayhawk we are neighbors, Blue Springs here!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman