FMLA 12 month period measured forward

I posted this on the FMLA Forum but didn't received any responses so I'm giving it a go here.
Example - We use the 12 month period measured forward calculation method for FMLA leave. The employee takes FMLA leave from 9/30/02 through 12/30/02, does she need to wait until 9/30/02 before she is eligible for FMLA leave again? Also, the unions are claiming that the choice of how we measure the leave period is a bargaining matter. I don't think it is. Is it?
Example - We use the 12 month period measured forward calculation method for FMLA leave. The employee takes FMLA leave from 9/30/02 through 12/30/02, does she need to wait until 9/30/02 before she is eligible for FMLA leave again? Also, the unions are claiming that the choice of how we measure the leave period is a bargaining matter. I don't think it is. Is it?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
You begin counting the 12-month period on 9/30/2002. The EE has 12 weeks of leave available between 9/30/2002 and 9/29/2003. The EE must have worked at least 1250 hours in the immediately preceding 12 months. If the EE takes the full 12 weeks beginning on 9/30/2002, then the EE can't take any additional FMLA leave until after 9/29/2003. Assuming he had worked sufficient hours in the preceding 12 months, the EE could begin a new FMLA leave period on 9/30/2003, at which point the 12-month forward measuring period starts again. Don't you just love the Federal government?
We aren't a union shop so can't address the union question.
Unless I'm confused, which is likely when it comes to FMLA, you aren't getting your full 12 months when you roll forward from the date they take the leave. In the situation you described, the ee could start their leave on Sept. 30 2002 and be out through Dec. 30 2002. Then they would only have to wait 9 more months to get more FML. Either you need to roll forward from the END of their leave or roll back 12 months from the date of their request. That will give you the full 12 months.