all this over a pen

Yesterday,Manager A was walking around with a pen that lit up. Jokingly, Manager B took the pen. It was returned immediately. Several hours later, Manager A noticed the pen was missing. He accused Manager B of stealing it. Manager B denied it. Manager A then went in Manager B's department and asked the people who work under Manager B if anyone had seen Manager B with the pen. No one had. So Manager A over the course of last night called Manager B's office phone and left 10 messages accusing Manager B of being a thief. This morning after he arrived, Manager A left an apology on Manager B's phone that was bizarre. Manager B is still miffed. Manager A has never exhibited behavior like this. I am at a loss as to how to handle this situation.
Either way, they should both get over it.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Ps. I admit it I stole the juggling balls! I needed to get that off my chest for two years x:-)
If it never happens again, great; but if this is the first in a series of nutty behavior incidents, then next time you'll have the back-up to take more serious disciplinary action.
Folks, sometimes the inmates really are running the asylum.
I guess I wouldn't dismiss this or take it too lightly. Remember the two countries that were at war in Gulliver's Travels over which end of the egg was the proper end to eat first.
The fiercest battles are waged over the most insignificant of things. Its all very silly but there are some disturbing and serious issues just below the surface.