Lack of a/c in office

I hope someone can help me out here. I work in an office in southern FL that has an a/c unit that goes out on a regular basis. The windows cannot be opened and we do not have fans. Our office is a satellite office and the main office does not have this problem.
Last week the a/c was out the entire day. The temp in the office was somewhere in the 90s. I am the supervisor of MY office, but my bosses are in the main office. I called them to see if I could permit my staff to work from home or in the field. Their reply was to "stick it out". To make a long story short, after much arguing I was able to send most of my staff out in the field while I remained behind along with my secretary.
The rationale of my bosses was that SOMEONE needed to be in the office, however, when there are meetings in the main office there is often NO ONE in our office and this never seems to be an issue.
My question is - is there any law prohibiting them from requiring us to remain in an office that has NO a/c, no fresh air, and the temp can reach into the 90s and above?
Thanks for any help.
Last week the a/c was out the entire day. The temp in the office was somewhere in the 90s. I am the supervisor of MY office, but my bosses are in the main office. I called them to see if I could permit my staff to work from home or in the field. Their reply was to "stick it out". To make a long story short, after much arguing I was able to send most of my staff out in the field while I remained behind along with my secretary.
The rationale of my bosses was that SOMEONE needed to be in the office, however, when there are meetings in the main office there is often NO ONE in our office and this never seems to be an issue.
My question is - is there any law prohibiting them from requiring us to remain in an office that has NO a/c, no fresh air, and the temp can reach into the 90s and above?
Thanks for any help.
Even in South Carolina, in the summertime, with the air conditioner on, it can still get extremely hot in the office. We have some people who wear as little as possible to remain decent and have the temperature jacked way up. Those of us who wear suits and jackets roast. My CEO finally got "cooked" in a closed door session one day and had locked boxes put over the thermostats so these "semi-nudists" couldn't monkey around with them.
Anyway....I would certainly request to have the unit fixed or replaced.
I am really sorry there are no regulations for this!
>bring fans from home, prop the door open, put one fan out in the hall
>blowing cooled hall air into the office and position three others
>around the room. Send somebody to Baskin Robbins and put yourselves on
>1/2 output for the day. Don't ask for fans from the home office again.
>If this happens more than twice during the hot months, polish up your
LOL - my resume is!
Find a way to get some freezer pops frozen up, or locate a nearby place you can buy some and ice cream bars. Keep a cooler handy. Next time this happens, load up on ice, freezer pops and ice cream and play ice cream man! Then maybe have a drawing for those who get to leave and go home w/ pay of course, those who must go into the field, and 1 or 2 unfortunate ones who must man the phones. Write it down and let people know you will start a rotation so no one by bad luck gets stuck there each time.
You know it sucks, they know it sucks, but, this will let them know how much you value them, and make light of a bad situation. Might also have a raffle for a fan to give to the employees.
Anyway, it does not solve the problem, but it might help. Also a nice Hawian print shirt would go over well when delivery the ice cream.
My $0.02 worth, think I will go get me an ice cream cone!
DJ The Balloonman
I'm sure there must be some violations of work environment conditions here - although it may not fall under OSHA per se.
I remember reading something about some basic work environment standards that must be met.