NAFTA Downsizing

Need Help - Will shortly be in the process of moving a portion of the manufacturing operation to Mexico. Contract is silent on sub-contracting, changing locations, severance payments, etc. We will be permanently laying off a number of high seniority employees. Has anyone been thru this ? Any advice ?
Certification is granted by the DOL after receiving a qualified petition requesting certification of eligibility under the Trade Act. Contact your local DOL or Rapid Response office for assistance getting this ball rolling!
Regarding severance packages, that would be your decision to offer or not. This week we eliminated almost 200 general office positions. Our package offers them one week severance pay for each year of service up to 26 weeks, 90 days paid Cobra if elected, and service of an outplacement company that we contracted with for this purpose. The severance agreement and release must be signed and returned before receiving the package.
In the past when we closed out stores, we would transfer the store manager, assistant manager and senior and pay relocation fees up to and including home closing costs. I don't foresee this happening in the future.