Chatter Box

I have an employee who will be returning to work after a seasonal lay-off. At the end of the 2002 season her supervisor informed her of performance issues he had with her work and he wasn't calling her back after lay-off. He had not addressed his concerns with her during the season and failed to give her an opportunity to correct her performance. When she starts the season she will be on a 90 day probationary period. To address the issues I have developed a performance improvement plan. For the most part, dealing with and correcting the problems are straight forward, except for one. When the employee gets nervous she doesn't stop talking. Unfortunately, she tends to naturally be a nervous person. She travels around to various company facilities and works with a number of different teams. Her co-workers don't want to work with her because she chatters all day. They claim they can't focus on their jobs. Also, she chatters so much it takes her longer to complete her tasks. Even if she corrects the majority of the other issues, I am afraid her supervisor will still want to term her if she doesn't get the chatter problem under control.
She is a kind and sensitive person. I am struggling with how to gentle tell her to control her excessive chatter while still making the point very clear. Any suggestions on how to approach this problem?
She is a kind and sensitive person. I am struggling with how to gentle tell her to control her excessive chatter while still making the point very clear. Any suggestions on how to approach this problem?
My $0.02 worth x:D
DJ The Balloonman