I'm ready to quit over this one

This will be a long post and I apologize up front for it. We posted an internal job. It was expected that one of my direct reports would apply. She did. She's been with us over a year, does all our coporate travel and some meeting planning as well as back up to receptionist. The new job is in a dept where she will utilize and learn new skills. "They" told her she would be taking her travel and meeting planning with her. This was opposed by me because I believe that travel and meeting planning are enough without more in the mix. Politics playes a role here and I was overruled. Anyway, with all that said, I found out yesterday, by accident after I just happened to mention it all very innocently (really) something about the new person taking over the travel, that they DID NOT tell her that travel would be leaving her and assigned to her replacement eventually. Of course she mentions this to her new supervisor who then has a fit, goes to the CEO/my boss to complain that I betrayed a confidence. I stated that 1) I had no idea that they weren't up front with her from the get-go and that 2) I absolutely oppose not being truthful with loyal, good employees when knowing that she wants to keep doing the travel portion of her job. I believe it was absolutely unethical and cruel to do this to her. But, of course their take is that they got a quick solution for the company and EE feelings be damned. I vehemently believe that this type of operation only eventually breaks down the morale of an organization and will ultimately be its downfall in one way or another. Idealized? Maybe. But, I think I'm right and that we need to do the right thing.
I'm now in some trouble over this but think I can finally bring the pres around to my way of thinking but should I have to FIGHT for doing the right thing? This isn't the first time that this type thing has popped up and I am seriously considering leaving over this one.
Do you think I'm overreacting here? Do you have this kind of thing going on at your place? What do you think?
I'm now in some trouble over this but think I can finally bring the pres around to my way of thinking but should I have to FIGHT for doing the right thing? This isn't the first time that this type thing has popped up and I am seriously considering leaving over this one.
Do you think I'm overreacting here? Do you have this kind of thing going on at your place? What do you think?