Help ! Could she really sue me too?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-19-03 AT 02:35PM (CST)[/font][p]I’ve been working in the HR department for a 65k-person company for the last 9 months. When I started I was doing some paper work for a situation were an ee who claimed that a manager had started emailing a whole bunch of lies about him, told the ee executive management and senior management these lies and the ee eventually got taken off a very high profile project. The EE also said that the manager replaced here with a white person who was not as experienced as she was in the role she was on the project. Well all of what the EE said came out to be true so my supervisor talked to her about the situation and they came to the conclusion that they would give the EE another project as soon as one came about and that the managers comments about her performance would not go against her.Its been three month and it seems that this ee has not recieved a project to that date.
Also she went on FMLA for 3 weeks as a "techincal lead" level 4. The manager informed us that he did some reorganizing while she was out on FMLA and did away with the "techincal lead" role and was now calling them "platform leads". When the EE came back she found out she was no longer a "technical lead". The EE was the only former "techincal lead" that wasn't given a platform because he said there was lack of work for her team. That same day he placed her on a project that was lead by a EE who is a level 3 but still kept her at level 4 and didn't lower her pay. Later on I found out this was done without HRs consent.
Well, the situation goes down hill from there because the EE complains about what she thinks is retaliation for going on FMLA. She also mentions in the complaint that she thinks the manager is retaliating against her for making a complaint about the racial issues above. 2 weeks after the this complaint about FMLA violations she sends a memo to me complaining that the manager gave her a poor performance review (she’s never been given one before) because of the FMLA complaint. She was also given a Letter of Verbal Warning (one that would not go in her permanent files) the same day and in the memo she sent me and it seems to refute a lot of what the manager says about her performance. She corroborates her refutes with emails, for instance in one point of the Letter of Verbal Warning the manager said she DIDN’T complete a task and she attached an email were she DID complete the task AND he thanks her. Well I gave this letter to the head of the legal department the day I got it, the day after she was laid off.
Two days after she was laid off the same manager hired another male minority EE that was one level lower than her. The same day the manager hired the level 3 EE he was transferred to another dept. The manager that came over to replace him brought over 5 additional employees with him (3 were level 4 same as the EE who'd been laid off but they were doing different tasks (Project management instead of engineering) ).
Is there a good chance the company can win this case? The lawyer for the company doesn’t think we should settle and he thinks we have a good chance of ending this case at summary judgement. The lawyer also says that we should stick together because a tear in our responses could indicate a division "amongst the team". He concludes by saying that she could sue all of us if we don’t stick together. This lawyer seems to be building us up with more rhetoric than facts so I don’t want to be involved with him, overall I don’t trust him.
Should I get my own lawyer? I'm rather confused in this case, don’t really know what to do and I don’t trust the company right now. There've been to many Enron like situations were the company hasn't been the good guy.
Also she went on FMLA for 3 weeks as a "techincal lead" level 4. The manager informed us that he did some reorganizing while she was out on FMLA and did away with the "techincal lead" role and was now calling them "platform leads". When the EE came back she found out she was no longer a "technical lead". The EE was the only former "techincal lead" that wasn't given a platform because he said there was lack of work for her team. That same day he placed her on a project that was lead by a EE who is a level 3 but still kept her at level 4 and didn't lower her pay. Later on I found out this was done without HRs consent.
Well, the situation goes down hill from there because the EE complains about what she thinks is retaliation for going on FMLA. She also mentions in the complaint that she thinks the manager is retaliating against her for making a complaint about the racial issues above. 2 weeks after the this complaint about FMLA violations she sends a memo to me complaining that the manager gave her a poor performance review (she’s never been given one before) because of the FMLA complaint. She was also given a Letter of Verbal Warning (one that would not go in her permanent files) the same day and in the memo she sent me and it seems to refute a lot of what the manager says about her performance. She corroborates her refutes with emails, for instance in one point of the Letter of Verbal Warning the manager said she DIDN’T complete a task and she attached an email were she DID complete the task AND he thanks her. Well I gave this letter to the head of the legal department the day I got it, the day after she was laid off.
Two days after she was laid off the same manager hired another male minority EE that was one level lower than her. The same day the manager hired the level 3 EE he was transferred to another dept. The manager that came over to replace him brought over 5 additional employees with him (3 were level 4 same as the EE who'd been laid off but they were doing different tasks (Project management instead of engineering) ).
Is there a good chance the company can win this case? The lawyer for the company doesn’t think we should settle and he thinks we have a good chance of ending this case at summary judgement. The lawyer also says that we should stick together because a tear in our responses could indicate a division "amongst the team". He concludes by saying that she could sue all of us if we don’t stick together. This lawyer seems to be building us up with more rhetoric than facts so I don’t want to be involved with him, overall I don’t trust him.
Should I get my own lawyer? I'm rather confused in this case, don’t really know what to do and I don’t trust the company right now. There've been to many Enron like situations were the company hasn't been the good guy.
When under oath you swear to tell the whole truth to the question that was asked. Never lie. Never give the opposing counsel one bit more of information then they asked for. Do not answer what you think they are asking, only answer the question asked. A good practice after being asked a question is to pause and think about your answer prior to giving it. Do this consistently not just on the tough questions. If you honestly don't remember something say so.
Also try to avoid being deposed prior to any trials, as there is then a record of testimony that can be used against you if you make a mistake and misspeak on something during a trial.
If you honestly are not comfortable with the morals of management start your job search now. They will probably not term you as long as they don't percieve you as a problem, because if they term you, quite honestly you are then a danger to them in this case due to your knowledge. So you have some time to look for a soft landing, do not delay the job search. You must give long and hard thought to how to answer the question, "Why are you looking to change jobs?" so you can answer it in a way that will not cause the person interviewing you worry.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Also on the FML situation the attorney says that she wasn’t truly demoted. He said that she was given back the same job level and the same pay. But from my understanding you have to have the same responsibilities and roles etc. given back to you when you return from a leave.
I really don’t trust this lawyer because he sounds like he is telling management what they want to here (per department culture) on a case that seems pretty shaky on our (the companies) part.
I will seek my own counsel but I don’t know how much I would have to pay out of pocket to get an attorney on retainer. In the meantime it looks like the job search has began because I don’t know how much transferring to another dept will help me. Thank you very much for you advice so far.
That is the other good thing about outlining everything for your dept. head, now there is a set of documents floating around that they will be aware of. So they know the facts, and know you know, makes it harder for them to lie, more likely to do the right thing.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
If you are not being sued individually, then you might just want to meet with an attorney for consultation for your own peace of mind. You will not need an attorney representing you in the proceedings unless you are sued.
Good Luck!
You can call the lock Dist. Attorney's office and find out if they will be allowed in court.
In California, if you are being deliberately 'hurt' by somebody lying, defamation of character, etc. - which it appears has happened to this individual - those tapes are as valuable as Gold Bars.
Again, it appears that you have not hurt this individual, so you should be alright. I hope you have been taking notes of EVERYTHING ,,, AND TAKING THOSE NOTES HOME, or at the very least - keep the original hand written notes at home and use copies if needed at work.
The victim is after the 'decision makers'.
John Vering
Mo. co-editor