EE refuses to follow workers' comp steps

We have an employee who refuses to comply with our workers' comp carrier's policy. She has been injured twice in the past year and in both instances, she neglected to report the injuries to the carrier (went to the owner instead) and then refused to seek treatment from the carrier's physicans, but submitted her own physician's bills to us for payment. The carrier won't close the cases.

She signed off on the carrier's managed care and grievance procedures document, so there is no excuse. She is a problem employee in other areas, too, but we are concerned about terminating her as a problem employee because of her outstanding workers' comp issues.

Would be interested in hearing from anyone with w/c expereince. Thanks.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Why won't the carrier sign off? Has she reached an end of healing or is she still being treated? Is is because they want her to be examined by one of their physicians? If there are questions regarding the validity of her claim the WC carrier will schedule an IME and if the employee fails to go, they will not pay any claims but that is between the carrier and her.

    If she is having other problems which you have well documented and would terminate her if this WC issues weren't out there, then you should be okay to go ahead with the termination. Just be sure you have followed your policies to a tee.

    Good Luck!
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