Recruiters / JR Recruiters / Assistant Recruiters

Hi everyone I'm back! :DD I'm currently taking 3 classes toward my BS in Bus. Admin this term plus my FT job as an HR Assistant so I haven't had the time to check this board or post. ANYHOW, I have a questions for you all: Do your organizations employ a Recruiter or Recruiters? If only one Recruiter is employed, does he/she have an assistant or is there a "JR Recruiter" as well? I'm trying to get the feel for this area of HR. Currently, as an HR Assistant, I spend about 80% of my time supporting our sole Recruiter. I love it, but some of my other duties (maintaining personnel files, clerical support for the rest of HR, drafting policies/procedures, etc.) are getting backlogged. I'm thinking I would like to move into SOME sort of a Recruiting role but I don't really know what would be a feasible structure to propose to my boss. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thanks!