Loan Repayment Policy

We would like to draft a policy that requires all employees to remain current on his/her educational loan obligations during employment. This has been an unwritten expectation-so it will not be "new" information for employees.
Does anyone have a similar policy?
Does anyone have a similar policy?
>obligations to pay government sponsored student loans? If so, why is
>your company concerned about that? It's like any other financial
We are a student loan guaranty agency. We have an interest in employess repaying student loan obligations timely. It's a waste of resouces to make collection calls across the hall!
Thank you for responding!
We also have a code of conduct that requires employees to maintain their financial affairs in a satisfactory manner, and to manage debts in relation to income and net worth. All employees are expected to live within their income and to manage their personal finances so as to avoid embarrassment personally or to the bank. Employees who violate this policy can be terminated on grounds of financial irresponsibility.
--The exception is when someone declares bankruptcy because the bankruptcy law prohibits employers from taking adverse action against an employee because of a bankruptcy. We then have to look at whether or not our image suffered...were any of the creditors our customers? In banking reputation is everything.
Thanks again!