House Fire

We have an employee who got to the point of termination due to absences last year. At the request of our union, and because it was a new attendance policy, we offered the employee - on a non-precedent setting basis - one last chance. Our attendance policy works on a rolling year (points assessed for absences do not drop off until one year after they were taken). Because of this he is still in an attendance crunch. In addition his vacation renews on his anniversary date which is in November and he has already used all but 1/2 day since he received his vacation last November.
Here's the problem...
This same employee recently had a house fire in which his house was deemed a "total loss". At the time we gave him a voluntary layoff, without having to make any exceptions, for about 1 1/2 weeks. He returned to work on Monday but is now in need of additional time off to meet with contractors, etc.. We have a flextime policy in place but it appears he is not making use of it. I have just been asked by his supervisor if we can give him another layoff (this one would be for 2 1/2 weeks) although the employee himself has not requested this.
If the employee does not take the voluntary layoff and does not utilize the flextime policy, I feel that I don't have any choice but to assess him points for his absence which will quickly cost him his job. I don't want to be a hardnose but I don't know what other options I have open. I can't give him a leave of absence because it would be unpaid and he needs the money right now.
Any suggestions?
Here's the problem...
This same employee recently had a house fire in which his house was deemed a "total loss". At the time we gave him a voluntary layoff, without having to make any exceptions, for about 1 1/2 weeks. He returned to work on Monday but is now in need of additional time off to meet with contractors, etc.. We have a flextime policy in place but it appears he is not making use of it. I have just been asked by his supervisor if we can give him another layoff (this one would be for 2 1/2 weeks) although the employee himself has not requested this.
If the employee does not take the voluntary layoff and does not utilize the flextime policy, I feel that I don't have any choice but to assess him points for his absence which will quickly cost him his job. I don't want to be a hardnose but I don't know what other options I have open. I can't give him a leave of absence because it would be unpaid and he needs the money right now.
Any suggestions?
Then go back through the absences, do they call in and give a reason? Sick, don't feel like working today, personal? Either way go back through the days missed and ask why he missed that day. Count up the total days, again mention the slack already cut, and include the layoff given to help him out. You might even look at past years attendance just to demonstrate it isn't just one bad year if that holds true.
My mentor said, the last time they miss, that causes them to be terminated is always for a good reason. That is all they want to focus on, not the previous 14 times they missed cause they were hung over, did not feel like it or whatever.
I have done this and it can be quite fun! In a union environment I terminated and individual who had twice as many points as our system allowed. That was in 1995, and to date is still my favorite termination! (That sounds bad, but you had to be there, the union steward had a big smile on, he understood)
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Just my $0.02 worth.
I do not like terminating employees typically. However those that have long abused the system and no one can get rid of, I take great pleasure and pride of eliminating those problems. The very first one I thought other employees would be mad, they came up and thanked me. Now that was wierd.
Don are you telling me you have never enjoyed terminating a problem employee?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Again it is different then lay offs, as one who has been down sized three times, I know how stressful that can be.
Either way I should probably let sleeping dogs alone, I am not trying to get in a war of words with you Don. In my short time here on this board there have been a number of posts from you that I thought were brilliant. You do have a few more years then me, and that no doubt makes a difference in our perspectives. Have a great weekend.
DJ The Balloonman