Living in perhaps the only state that does not have a State Labor Department, I would like to hear from all of you who do have one. Please list one or two of the strangest policies yours has adopted. Or maybe something that really grates on the nerves of business or Human Resources Departments in your state. Or, if applicable, what ridiculous redundant law have they passed that mirrors or simply makes worse a federal law that already existed. Or tell us something they have force-fed you that you wish you could do away with. Thanks, Don D., The Holdout State.
One of our challenges in WI, although this isn't necessarily the fault of our Department of Workforce Development, is with reconciling our state family leave law with the federal. Different qualifying requirements, varying amounts of leave, etc, but the worst part is the 'substitution' provision of our law which allows employees to substitute any accrued paid time for unpaid family leave. With sick time and other benefits available, especially in the public sector, none of our family leave time is unpaid, and employees tend to take advantage of paid time off for anything that resembles a family medical situation (yes, we do require certification).
I thought you would find this of interest in regards to "quirky" state laws. Here in LA, we have the LA Pregnancy Law which basically requires the employer to grant leave for a reasonable period of time, provided such period of time shall not exceed four months. The catch here is that leave still must be medically necessary and we can still require medical certification. However, you do know that quite a few employees seem to take advantage of this law. Also, under this state law, there is no waiting period; meaning leave must be granted even if the employee has only worked for our organization one day!
Michel from down South