HELP! I need to write up a "Pay to Stay" offer letter by 2 today!!!

My boss just asked me to write up a "Pay to Stay" offer letter to an employee who is interested in leaving our company. Does anyone know any legality issues that I need to be aware of in writing this offer? Does anyone have a sample letter? Thanks so much!
I have found that reaction to one's ligetimate offer to change vocational opportunities with a letter of offer, which would be a based on the value of the employee today verses the value yesterday, a "slap in the face". In offerring words to say, you should apologize for your companies' obvious,lack of vision and value pertaining to the leaving employee. Evidently, your boss has already made an offer verbally and the ee has said put it in writing, I certainly would! What has your boss promised? In this case, you might ask your boss for a draft to work from, just maybe he has one in his personal file.
In writing this offer use as generic and general words as possible. Only promise specifically what has been offered, verbally. A letter of offer like this can become a written contract, and you can bet, if the ee expects your company to respond he'll/she'll be back soon with another offer from another company. Before I would counter offer, I would like to have the offer received in writing, if it is not available, then tell the ee, good luck with your next job opportunity.
Employees who work for money in critical positions of authority and responsibility consider money to be a short term motivatior. An after the fact, offer is a demotivator. "What have I done for your today and what have you done for me yesterday" is where the ee's attitude is located. Be careful of this ee's loyality to the company! Pork
What I always look at is the value of the employee, and how they approached me with the situation. There have been two occassions where I have increased salary and successfully retained the employees. On more occassions I have wished the employee good luck with his future. Those that told no one about the offer and approached me in an approriate manner are the two I was able to retain. They were employees we did not want to lose.
I would not put things like this on paper, unless I put a significant disclaimer on the bottom, or outlined increaed expectations to go with the sizable bump in salary.
Well that is my $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman