Help me please!!!!!!!!

We are looking at reimbursing ee's for a portion of their health club memberships. We would do it quarterly with proof that they are utilizing the services. Is that money taxable?
Don, I think I would like to run into your CFO online somewhere. Does he know if there is a forum for accountants like this one for HR people? x:D
By the way, I have a cartoon her in my office that was given to me years ago. It is of one man behind a desk holding up a piece of paper and another man facing him obviously roaring with laughter. The paper says 2+2 = 7. The caption reads, "Accountants just want to have fun." So true.
Our external accountants advised me years ago that this sort of fringe benefit is taxable income to the employee. We do the same thing for our employees and we add the value to the W-2 form.
They did say that there is a de-minimus rule that if the reimbursment is less than $25.00 it is not taxable. That was a few years ago so the amount may have gone up.
It never was an issue in our caae since the reimbursements were always over that.
About the only time we could reduce the taxable benefit was if the employee could prove thatpart of the expense was used for business purposes (rare indeed).