
Resource people:
In Texas, one may terminate an employee for incompetency but at the expense of allowing a claim against Unemployment. The "advocate" stated I may not use the fact that the employee is not competent to perform the job for which he was hired, as reason to avoid paying Unemployment. Can anyone explain this and offer a solution? Since this employee could not perform his task, there was no other on in the company we felt he could be transfered to.
In Texas, one may terminate an employee for incompetency but at the expense of allowing a claim against Unemployment. The "advocate" stated I may not use the fact that the employee is not competent to perform the job for which he was hired, as reason to avoid paying Unemployment. Can anyone explain this and offer a solution? Since this employee could not perform his task, there was no other on in the company we felt he could be transfered to.
Let me see if I understand. You hired someone not competent to do the job required. You now recognize that and intend to fire the person. You would like to not inccur unemployment charges, which you will do if you acknowledge the person's lack of competence to do the job.
Do I have it right? If so, tell the truth and take your (rather small) lumps. It sounds like TX Unemployment guidelines say, in effect, that if the person is fired for reasons not of their own making, they get unemployment. Unless you can demonstrate that s/he misled you and fabricated qualifications or experience to get the job, it sounds like that is where you are.
Steve Mac
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures
On the week prior to his termination, I asked him if he really wanted to work here and do this job. I asked him to consider this question over the weekend and let me know his answer. The following week he did not have an answer. We then terminated him.
Does that clarify your assumption? If not, let me know and I shall try to clarify further.
Anyway, unless it is gross negligence or walking off the job, it is almost a waste of supervisor's and HR's time to fight an unemployment claim.
Because most unempoyment is based on quarters worked, many employers will make a decision about the employee in their first 60 days of employment. The employee can still collect unemployment, but usually not from this employer.
Hope that helps make a tough pill easier to swallow.
Margaret Morford
>Because most unempoyment is based on quarters worked, many employers
>will make a decision about the employee in their first 60 days of
>employment. The employee can still collect unemployment, but usually
>not from this employer.
>Margaret Morford
Technically, that may be true with this PARTICULAR claim. However, the next time that person files a claim, you may very well be an employer in their base period for THAT claim. But, as Steve Mc hinted earlier, an employer's experience rating, thus his tax rate, is relatively minimally impacted by the laying off of several employees. Unless you are a 'dollar for dollar' employer having the entire claim reimbursed to the system by you, it's miniscule in the scheme of business operations.
If you go to the website of the Texas Workforce Commission, you can find their manual which gives actual case rulings that they have adopted as controlling. Incompetance covers a lot of ground. If the employee was warned about the performance issue, and continued to violate a work rule, they may be disqualified. That would depend on the specific facts and whether the employee willfully violated the rule. Just general poor performance won't disqualify them. Again, the laws are explained in detail on the TWC website. If you review the information available (which is really put in fairly easy to understand language), you will find that you have better success in defeating claims. You will know what the commission is looking for and will be able to point them to the relevant evidence and maybe even controlling authority.
Good Luck!