Filing applications

I'd like to hear what method you guys use to file your employment applications. What works date?, job title?, alpha?
I've been filing them by job title, but when someone calls to inquire about their status, it's somewhat hard to remember what 'job' it's under. I get alot of applications. Also, are you keeping 'logs' of all people interviewed? If so, what procedure works best for tracking your interviews? Thanks everyone!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We file job aps by date, but also enter applicant info into a data base that shows name, address, job applied for, special status (minority, vet, etc) if known, and date of application. We also put any notes (interviewed, no eye contact, bad attitude) that might help if they apply again in six months. If someone calls in and says they have an application on file with us, I can look them up in the data base... if it's older than 2 months we require a new application.

    This seems to work pretty well. We also use it for applicant tracking for our affirmative action plan. It's also great for when a department head calls and says, "I interviewed this guy from Texas for the job of .... about a year ago. Can you find his application?"

    I've found that it's best to keep up with the data base on a daily basis. Otherwise the aps build up and then it becomes "a job".

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