
We are looking at different scenarios to save money. One of the scenarios is to layoff a truck drive and a pellet mill operator (both currently full time) at our feedmill for the summer. We would then rehire temporary workers on an as need basis during the fall and winter (high volume time period).

My questions are: Would this really save money due to the fact we will have to pay UI? I know laying off and then rehiring will bring on some major issues, could we even do this legally? What would we need to do to make sure we do this right (do not discriminate), if this is the scenario we choose?

Thanks for your advice,


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Rather than laying them off, put them ( if they agree ) on a
    part-time, on call basis that way, when you call them back
    in Fall/Winter you will still have experienced employees, as opposed to
    temps who do not know your operation.

  • Thanks for the great idea, I will bounce this off the other people involved and see what they think.
  • Riley: We do just the opposite, hire full time for the entire year and do contract haulers by the load for the peak periods. In our area, we have enough log haulers that can't get the loads and can fill in their needs with our loads fo feed. They work for $35.00 per load which takes about two hours to come and go, with 6 turns they are making $210.00 a day or night and glad to get it. When our peak slows down their log hauling is picking up. Our pellet mill runs 24 hours a day for Sunday thru Thursday, I don't see how you could afford to have a non-permanently assigned full time operator on this piece of equipment. When it is down the hold operation begins to shut down. The value of that machine is hugh and the core to the operation. we would not dream of putting a summer hire on this unit. Good luck
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