Union Representation

I know under Weingarten that employees have rights to a representative during an investigatory meeting. However, where is it written that the employee does not have to speak. At a recent investigation, the employee refused to speak, she would only let her union representative speak. This is employee is charged along with several other employees of taking a two hour lunch and having another employee at the worksite clock them in and out to only show their allowed 1/2 hr lunch. We have three witnesses. However, when we questioned each employee during their separate investigatory meetings, they all used the same union rep and would only let the union rep speak. Do we have a right to have the employee speak and not the union rep?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
I am not surprised that the witnesses refused to speak. The union rep probably gave them the speech about "brotherhood" and for the good of the union, etc.