Severance, what's reasonable?

We recruited someone to head one of our divisions, and after 6 months it appears it may not work out. Her leadership style has not inspired confidence from th senior leaders who work under her, and this is essential. The President has been discussing this with her but not sure this is going to work out.
I will contact an employment lawyer to make sure if we have to terminate we're on solid ground, but what i want to ask you all is about how to think of severance. She did not relocate for the job, but she did put her consulting business on hold, so we want to offer some sort of limited continuation of salary that is fair. I don't know of a precedent at our company (which isn't to say there is none), but don't mind opening the door in this case.
I will contact an employment lawyer to make sure if we have to terminate we're on solid ground, but what i want to ask you all is about how to think of severance. She did not relocate for the job, but she did put her consulting business on hold, so we want to offer some sort of limited continuation of salary that is fair. I don't know of a precedent at our company (which isn't to say there is none), but don't mind opening the door in this case.
Our practice just goes on a case by case basis. Remember also, you will get into legalities when you are terminating anyone over 40 and they will need 21 days to consider the severance package and then another 7 days after signing to "reconsider".
In your case, at the level of this employee, and given the fact that her business was put on hold, we would probably give a month's severance.
I know this is vague, but it may give you a little insight.
You may want to retain her for, say 3 months, as a consultant (since that may be the business she is going back into). Then you will be paying her for some services (help in transitioning, ect).
Good Luck!
That said the company I would not consider how long she worked for you, but like JEB said, what is the norm for finding a job of this level in your field. Then of course you need to consider if the person is in any protected classes.
Well my $0.02 worth once again.
DJ The Balloonman