OSHA Question

We recently received an inquiry from OSHA in regard to safety. I have drafted a response, which I believe will satisfy them, however there is one small sentence in the original letter from OSHA which says we must "post a copy of this letter and your response to it where it will be readily accessible for review by all of your employees." We'd really rather not post anything for review by employees. If we ignored this request, could it turn into a real issue? By the way, this is the first time I've ever dealt with OSHA. It's been a real education. Thanks for your help.
Good luck with all the questions that posting this letter will generate for your office! Sounds like you should post it though, since that is what the letter says to do.
Hope that helps.
Margaret Morford
I believe it should say what the penalty is for failure to comply, but you must ask yourself. Do I really want to tick off the folks at OSHA? Think about it.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman